Half German, half Portuguese, this globe-trotting Aussie model is in high demand these days for all things beach-to-boudoir. When she’s not in front of the camera she’s hitting the books (finishing up a nursing degree), so we were more than happy to get a moment to chat with this busy beauty on a recent visit to The Hollywood Roosevelt.
For work, I:
Model full-time. I’ve had a bunch of different jobs in the past that are very different to modelling – from working drive-thru at McDonalds to dressing up as Disney characters for kids parties, as well as studying nursing at university.
When I’m not working, I like to:
Do lots of things. Most importantly I like to catch up on my sleep (I could sleep forever if someone let me). I also love yoga & pilates. I like to bake. Go to the beach. Hang out with my nanna. I try to see my family whenever I have free time.
Describe yourself in three words:
Off with (the) fairies
Top three essentials to pack when traveling?
Eye mask, a scarf (super versatile), first aid pack (that’s the nurse coming out).
First thing you pick from the mini-bar?
If they have marzipan then that’s my go-to.
What’s your favorite thing to indulge in on vacation?
Pina coladas!
Most Instagram-worthy spot you’ve found at The Hollywood Roosevelt?
Most definitely the pool.
What’s your poolside style?
Really like one-pieces. You’ll very rarely see me in a bikini unless it’s a photoshoot.
What music is playing as the soundtrack to your stay?
Frank Ocean!
What are your tips for practicing wellness when traveling?
Try to get really good sleep wherever possible, and use the hotel gym.
Favorite thing to do in LA?
What’s the best advice you’ve been given?
You can always judge a person’s character by how they treat someone they don’t need anything from.
Follow me on…
Instagram: @belle_lucia
Snapchat: belle-kitten
Lastly, what is your favorite thing to do in bed?
Dream! I think my dreams are more active than my reality.